Making aluminium surface cleaner spray

Order Ingredients Weight
1 MAINSOAP STAIN ( NanoChemical Powder Active For Cleaner ) 10 Kg
2 WATER 190 Liters


Add WATER and MAINSOAP STAIN in a mixing tank and start to mix. Continue to stirr until MAINSOAP STAIN dissolve in the WATER completly. Continue to mix until homogenous. Homogenous is enough. Stop to mixing. Process is completed.

NATIONAL GUARD, Brush, Anodized Aluminum, Brush - 44ZZ98|G610A-48 - Grainger


Aluminium surface Liquid formulated above produced using MAINSOAP STAIN is filled into spray bottles and used by spraying.


Metal, Dye & Hardcoating Anodizing Services | Houston, TX
MAINSOAP STAIN is nonochemical powder active.

MAINSOAP STAIN is a concentrated powder active, it is used by diluting in different concentrations depending on the place to be used.

MAINSOAP STAIN is used for Production of multipurpose cleaner sprays, surface cleaner, bathroom cleaner, oil and stain remover, car interior detail cleaner, air conditioner cleaner, aluminum surface cleaner and etc.

These cleaning products producted using MAINSOAP STAIN is effective in removing all oil, stain, dirt, carbon and lime on carpet, glass, metal, concrete, plastic, pimapen, tile, tile and floor, especially on textiles.

Cleaning products produced using MAINSOAP STAIN is very effective, high quality and economical.

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